Promotional Fortunecookies

We put your words in people's mind!

Why choose fortunecookie?

The consumer wants to open the cookie is order to find out something that regards only them, it „triggers curiosity.”


Would you like to get people to listen to your messages?
Looking for a special solution?

Would you like to give a unique but cost-effective gift?

Our modern fortunecookie is an innovative marketing tool, with a far superior efficiency to traditional message carriers, due to its uniqueness and the immediate close attention, what it creates.

Fortunecookies typically come as a promotional gift to the target audience, also can be sold as a private label product.

With nearly 20 years of experience, we are happy to help in creating your fortunecookie.

How Can I Create My Fortunecookie?

Customize the external design

Create your own corporate image-design fortunecookie. We can print your logo or even photo quality graphics on the package.

Customize the message

Choose the type of message, the material and form of the inside creative. Get it from a wide range of possibilities, or create new one!.

Additional options

We can help you to get the most out of your fortunecookie

Ordering Info, RfQ

Since your order is based on individual needs, we can compile a price quotation based on prior conversation.

The production lead time: We can count it from receiving the final graphics and content materials. An average is 15 workday, but depends also on the quantity ordered and the packaging solution.

We have a practice in producing and managing the volume of hundreds of thousands cookies, but due to the uniqueness and mechanized manufacturing, we can accept orders from a minimum of 1000 pcs.

Do you have any plan yet?

By clicking on the RfQ button, you can send us the informations you have and we'll contact you soon.

Would you need more information?

Write us an email or call us!

+36 70 4545 812

Our References


About Us

After more than 15 years, with millions of fortunecookies behind us, we still love to invent and create something special.

We offer our customers an easy-to-understand and unlimitedly variable marketing tool.

You could meet with our fortunecookies in national advertising campaigns, internal communication of companies, events, prize draws, exhibitions and public distribution.


Infonity Kft.

H 1137 Budapest, Szent István park 6.

e-mail: info @ fcookie dot com

tel: +36 70 4545 812